
[British] New Media Posted by Steve Dietz on June 9, 2004 12:24 PM

In April, I gave a talk at Tate Britain as part of an Arts Council sponsored symposium on British New Media, and it is now online. Cliff Notes version:
  • "British" is not a particularly interesting category for thinking about new media.
  • New media is a contested category worth, in my opinion, contesting
  • More contestation in general is needed, particularly between as well as within communities.
The first question afterwards was from Adam Hyde questioning whether I really thought there was a lack of debate in, say, Europe, as opposed to Britain or the U.S. Yes, ok, I could have phrased my point a bit more clearly. It's not there there aren't good discussion; there are - which I say - but somehow all the great internal debates do not seem to be crossing over - and out- - so to speak. Is that important?

The symposium was also the occasion for the launch of the book, New Media Art: Practice and Context in the UK 1994-2004, a collection of many essays, including my "Why Have There Been No Great Net Artists?"

Some responses to the symposium:
