
CAE Education Fund Posted by Steve Dietz on February 13, 2007 7:54 AM

Lynn Hershman Leeson's documentary about the absurd persecution of Dr. Steven Kurtz and Dr. Robert Ferrell is generating attention from Utah to Berlin (http://strangeculture.net), Kurtz and Ferrell are still awaiting a ruling on relatively minor motion, with no trial date in sight. However, it is almost certain the case will go to a full trial, and both men still face a possible 20 years in jail if convicted. The case threatens to set dangerous legal and political precedent by vastly expanding the government’s reach into our homes and public institutions, and by intimidating and criminalizing those engaged in vital public discussion about the actions of their government. (Please visit caedefensefund.org for more information.)

Thanks to supporters the CAE Defense Fund has raised over $250,000 to pay for Kurtz and Ferrell's defense lawyers. However, since we know political trials like this are won as much in the "court of public opinion" as in the court of law, we need your help more than ever to shine the spotlight on this precedent-setting case. The CAE Education Fund has been established to pay for much-needed publicity and educational materials to do this, and to help bring thousands of supporters to Buffalo during the trial.

The CAE Education Fund's first action will be to have a visible presence at the College Art Association Conference in NYC this week. If you plan to attend, we need your help to pass out 500 "Art is Not Terrorism" buttons and informational flyers. Look for our display at the ART Space site and the schools' bulletin board. For more information and how you can help, please email media(at)caedefensefund.org or call 716-359-3061.

To donate to the CAE Education Fund, please visit: http://caedefensefund.org/donate.html