
Collecting the New Posted by Steve Dietz on November 5, 2005 9:04 AM
Steve Dietz
Collecting New Media Art:
Just Like Anything Else, Only Different
in Bruce Altshuler, ed. Collecting the New
Museums and Contemporary Art
Princeton University Press: Princeton and Oxford, 2005

I received my author's copy of Collecting the New: Museums and Contemporary Art yesterday. Here are the Contents.

Bruce Altshuler, ed. Collecting the New
Bruce Altshuler, "Collecting the New: A Historical Introduction"
Howard N. Fox, The Right to Be Wrong
Robert Storr, "To Have and to Hold"
Jeffrey Weiss, "9 Minutes 45 Seconds"
Christopher Cherix, "Breaking Down Categories: Print Rooms, Drawing Departments, and the Museum"
Chrissie Iles and Henriette Huldisch, "Keeping Time: On Collecting Film and Video Art"
Steve Dietz, "Collecting New Media Art: Just Like Anything Else, Only Different"
Vishakha N. Desai, "Beyond the 'Authentic-Exotic'" Collecting Contemporary Asian Art in the Twinty-first Century"
Pamela McClusky, "The Unsconscious Museum: Collecting Contemporary African Art without Knowing It"
Gabriel Perez-Barreiro, "The Accidental Tourist: American Collections of Latin American Art"
Lowery Stokes Sims, "Collecting the Art of African-Americans at the Studio Museum in Harlem: Positioning the 'New' from the Perspective of the Past
Glenn Wharton, "The Challenges of Conserving Contemporary Art"
I haven't read it yet, but it will be intesting to see how the medium-based accounts of the new and more culturally and ethnically oriented collections overlap and differ.
