
Eyebeam Residency Opportunities Posted by Steve Dietz on February 22, 2007 12:05 PM
Summer 2007 Residencies
Deadline EXTENDED to March 5

Just check out who has been / is there.

This is the last week to submit an application for Eyebeam's Summer 2007 Residency opportunities. Artists, hackers, designers, engineers and creative technologists are invited to apply to be Residents at Eyebeam, to work for six months on projects or research of artistic endeavor or creative expression. The ideal Resident has experience working with and generating innovative technological art and/or creative technology projects and has a passion for interdisciplinary exchange.

Residents will be selected from an open call, based on the work/research being proposed, the availability of the necessary tools and skills to support them, and in consideration of the overarching research themes and activities of the organization.

The application deadline is March 5, 2007 at 12pm EST.

For more information on this call, current residents and fellows and links to complete the online application form please visit http://www.eyebeam.org/production/production.php?page=air