
Global Crossings (GX) Online Exhibition Posted by Steve Dietz on September 20, 2004 12:20 AM
LEA Gallery Special

Global Crossings (GX) Online Exhibition

Guest Curators: Dennis Summers and Choy Kok Kee (gxgallery[at]astn.net) The Leonardo Electronic Almanac Gallery is inviting submissions in conjunction with the Leonardo Global Crossings Initiative. The Gallery is looking to make visible the work of international artists, professionals and scholars who live and work in a wide variety of situations where access to established venues for exhibition, display and publication is limited. Difficulty of access may be attributed to cultural, geographic, ethnic, institutional or disciplinary diversity, or issues related to the North/South divide, age, gender, etc. Through this Gallery we seek to showcase little-known work in the art-science-technology field and to counter the natural tendency of networks to be inward looking, thus reinforcing established points of view.

We are looking for work that considers the global earth in some fashion or another. It can be work that addresses global social, political economic, spiritual, etc. issues. It can be work that physically or metaphorically lies in multiple locations on the planet, it can be work that may have personal relationships to multiple locations on the planet. Or anything else that loosely falls along the concept of being "global" in nature.

LEA encourages international artists / academics / researchers / students to submit their proposal and explore global crossings in an open context in their creative submissions and work. We particularly encourage young authors outside North America and Europe to send proposals.

Submission Procedure
