
Go Juhya! Posted by Steve Dietz on January 20, 2008 1:22 PM

According to the New York Times today
Snow Monsters Come Out, and So Do Tourists
Visitors posed with trees draped in snow known as "Juhyo" at the Zao ski resort in Yamagata Prefecture in northeastern Japan on Saturay night. The Juhyo are formed when strong winter winds help blanked the coniferous trees with particles of ice and snow.
The picture the Times ran is not on its website, but the Juhyo trees do look amazing and reminded me of the Green Bay Packers - Seattle game last week.

As the snow intensified, so too did the Green Bay's offensive attack.

With predictions of 3 degrees Fahrenheit and gusting winds for tonight's Packers game, the cross-border rival cheeese heads just may become snow monsters for the hated Giants.

I never thought I would say this: GO JUHYA!


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