
MediaArtNet Symposium Posted by Steve Dietz on January 25, 2004 11:30 AM
I refute it thus. by holdem poker Temporal Value: From Minimal to Video brings together minimalist sculptures by Carl Andre, Sol LeWitt, Donald Judd and others with video works by Joan Jonas, Peter Campus, Wolf Vostell and others. Curator Sabine Himmelsbach based her concept on Rosalind Kraus's important essay. "Video: The Aesthetics of Narcissism," and her analysis of minimalist sculpture as "primarily engaged with questions of perception." ZKM's collection is particularly strong on the video side of things with some excellent sculptural work. It was interesting to seem them together, although perhaps a bit crowded for the sculptures.

Fast Forward is an astonishing selection of contemporary video from the collection of Ingrid Goetz, which does not appear to leave out many significant artists working in the medium in the 90s. The videos by Sam Taylor-Wood, a three-screen projection, Atlantic, and Tracey Emin's The Interview are knockouts, but so are a lot of the other works.
