
Rebecca Horn's Body Extensions Posted by Steve Dietz on May 27, 2005 3:48 PM

Rebecca Horn: Bodylandscapes

Rebecca Horn, White Body Fan, 1972 I went to Rebecca Horn: Bodylandscapes at the Hayward Gallery today. I was most taken with the early "body extension" works, many of which are in the Tate Modern collection. White Body Fan (1972), in particular, has a formal elegance and Finger Gloves (1972) are like the scratching of a real life Edward Scissorhands. According to the Guardian, Horn was confined to a bed for a year when she was younger, and many of her subsequent works involved "prosthetic bandages and padded body extensions," but there is also an element of magical realism in the works, which reminded me a bit of Lygia Clark's costumes and performances, although Horn does not have any physically participatory / "open systems" aspect to her work.
