
You're Invited! Posted by Steve Dietz on November 1, 2004 2:21 AM

Database Imaginary

7:00 pm, Saturday, November 13, 2004
Walter Phillips Gallery, Banff Centre

Cory Arcangel
Data Diaries, 2003

Julian Bleecker, Marina Zurkow, Scott Paterson
Mobile Scout: A Field Guide, 2004

Natalie Bookchin
Databank of The Everyday, 1996

Heath Bunting and Kayle Brandon
The Status Project, 2004

Alan Currall
Encyclopaedia, 2000

Beatriz da Costa, Jamie Schulte, Brooke Singer
Swipe, 2004

Hans Haacke
Visitors' Profile, Directions 3: Eight Artists, Milwaukee Art Center, 1971

Graham Harwood / Mongrel
Lungs.pl, 2004

Agnes Hegedues
Things Spoken, 1999

Cheryl L'Hirondelle Waynohtew
Treaty card, 1999/2004

Pablo Helguera
Memory Theater, 2004

Lisa Jevbratt
1:1 Interface: Every, 1999

George Legrady
Slippery Traces, 1995

Lev Manovich
Soft Cinema, 2002-ongoing

Jennifer and Kevin McCoy
How I learned, 2002

The File Room, 1994-present

Philip Pocock, Axel Heide, Onesandzeros, Gregor Stehle
Unmovie, 2002-present

Edward Poitras
Untitled, 2004

David Rokeby
The Giver of Names, 1997

Warren Sack
Agonistics, 2004

Thomson and Craighead
Template Cinema, 2003-ongoing

University of Openess
Faculty of Taxonomy, 2004

Angie Waller
Datamining the Amazon, 2002
