Artist Statement

We, Technologies to the People®, feel like right now there's a real fetishization of the new technologies, but we don't know about the kind of access people really have to them. There's the idea that this is a space that is a democracy and everybody comes here onto an equal playing field. We don't see it.

We think that Technologies to the People® problematizes and widens the problems of technological access and question us to rethink this. It's a metaphor about "all the people are connected" while acting as a public provocation. Today, and this is increasing, to have access to information and resources, it's necessary to to be connected. But not everybody has access to the mediums. Who could have real access to the technology? Will a new division be opened between "inforich" and "infopoor" people? How can we avoid this abyss of separation? Are we at the beginning of a new global colonization? How could it affect the future? What can we do to include more "class of people" in the new information global infrastructure?

  Artist Biography

b. Spain 1966

Next presenteations ===================
* Project presentation. Sponsored by Technologies To The People®. Technoculture [Computer World]. Fri-Art Centre d'Art Contemporain Kunsthalle. Fribourg. Switzerland. April 1998.
* Project presentation. Instalation 'Technologies To The People® Collection'. APEX ART cp. New York City. USA. April 1998
* Project presentation. Interventions. Hypertribes. The Lovebytes Digital Arts Festival 1998. Sheffield, UK. 1998
* Project presentation. Instalation. Public Private Landscapes. 'Unionbrauerei'.Agos-Sept Dortmund, Germany 1998.
* Project presentation. Solo-show. Sala Metrònom. Barcelona, Spain. November1998.

Presented Work/selection ========================
* Project presentation. Sponsored by Technologies To The People®. Union Fraternelle des métallurgistes. Pépinières. Paris, France 1998.
* Web publication. The Technologies To The People Foundation. hosted by UK. 1997.
* Project presentation 'Body Research Machine'. Interactive instalation. Short Cuts/Links to the Body. DASA Deutsche Arbeitsschutzausstellung. Dortmund/Dorstfeld. Germany. Agost-October 1997. Colective exhibition with Fernando Arias, Mona Hatoum, Julia Scher, Janine Antoni, Timm Ulrichs, Zoe Leonard, Hans Breder, Peter Bogers, Bea De Visser...
* Intervention on the exhibition concept 'Desde la imagen' (Poster/flyer/catalogue cover) Instalation 'Technologies To The People® Collection'. Valencia. Centre de la Beneficencia. Sala Parpallo. 1997.
* Intervention in homeless publication: BODO. Ruhr. Germany. Project 'Technologies To The People®'. 1997.
* Magazine intervention ReMOVE. Valencia. Proyecto 'Technologies To The People®'. Abril 1997.
* Web publication. 'Take care with your language. Trade Mark project'. Web: . CERN - European Lab for Network Collision .UK. 1997
* Web publication in Work inprogress. The Technologies To The People® Project. hosted by UK. 1997.
* Project Presentation Technologies To The People®. Anti with E conferences. NetPolitics. Backspace. London, UK. March 1997.
* Solo show. 'Wir Beobachten'. Urban Intervention (City of Dortmund and Burgtorpassage) Exhibition of projects in Künstlerhaus Dortmund. DGermany. March-April 1997
* 'Technologies To The People®' project. Un-Frieden. Sabotage von Wirklichkeiten (Discord. Sabotage of realities), Kunsthaus y Kunstverein Hamburg. Germany. 1996-1997. Colective exhibition conmemorated the Peace Bienale of Robert Filliou. Works of Irwin/NSK, Lynn Hershman, Muntadas, Stan Douglas, Yukinori Yanagi, Jayce Salloum, Kanji Yanobe...
* Residence in Kunstlerhaus Dortmund Pepinnieres Program. 1996-1997.
* Intervention. Além da Água: Copiacabana. Fede Guzman Project. Museo Extreme-o e Iberoamericano de Arte Contemporáneo. 1996.
* Intervention. La Isla del Copyright. Fede Guzman Project.. Bilbao 1996.
* Photo©. Project aboutcopyright and images bank, about photography, with Nieves Berenguer (graphic designer). 1996-97.
* 3MVI-Mostra de Video Independent. Floppy Forever. Interactive projects presentation. Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona. Spain. 1996.
* SHAREWARE PROJECT. Computer Animation Project. 1995.
* Projects presentation. ARTE E IDEOLOGÍA. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Spain 1995.
* Solo show. Individual video instalation. "Estamos Vigilando"(We are Watching). Sala de Exposiciones del Colegio de Arquitectos, Alicante. Spain. 1995.
* Project presentation "Elemento de utilizaci-n pol'tica". CERCANÍAS/RODALÍES. Sala Conseller'a. Alicante.1994. Club Diario Levante, Valencia. Spain. 1995.
* Intervention. Offprint for video magazine. Colonialismo y Fronteras (desde el interior). OFF VIDEO N. 6. San Sebastian.1994.
* Performance "Guggenheim Museum tour 90-94" . proposed by Xurxo Estévez. Provisional offices of Guggenheim Bilbao. Spain. 1994.
* "Estamos vigilando", "Cerrado/Itxita" y "Ocupado" with Baja Mar/LOW TIDE GROUP Beach intervention in San Sebastian. With Ricardo Basbaum (BRAZ), Igor Vamos (USA), Dale Yeo (AUS), Elisabeth Mc Lendon (USA) and Daniel Garc'a Andújar (SP).1994. La Concha and Gros beaches. San Sebastian. Spain. july 1994.
* Urban intervention. We are watching. Travelling project (san Sebastian-Hamburg-Valencia-Berl'n, London, Par's, etc.)1994-97.
* Urban Intervention. 'Se-ores Africanos'. San Sebastian. Spain 1994.
* Projects presentation. Arteleku. URBAN INTERVENTIONS Workshop proposed by MUNTADAS. July 1994.
* Solo show. DIKIPEN. Sala Joven. Alicante. Spain. March 1994.
* Book publication Dikipén (o de las imágenes construidas), with texts of Marcelo Exp-sito, Joseantonio Hergueta, Gabriel Villota, Carmen Navarrete y Daniel Garc'a Andújar. Projected and edited. Valencia. Spain.1994.
* Intervention in gypsy magazine .Amar- Ga-. Spain 1994.
* 'Imágenes'. Instalation. Centro Cultural Casa de Porras, Granada. Spain May. 1994.
* "V'deo Independiente en la Comunidad Valenciana", Conference and works presentation .Club Diario Levante,Valenci Spain 1994
* Sociedad General de Autores de Espa-a, el Instituto de Cooperaci-n Iberoamericana (ICI) y el Cinema Jove. "Muestra de V'deo Joven Espa-ol"/spanish young videoartists. Video presentation. Cuba, República Dominicana ,México, Costa Rica, Venezuela, Colombia, Perú, Chile, Argentina. 1994.
* Intervention "Soy Gitano" magazine EL EUROPEO. project publication/public intervention. nº 46 summer issue. Spain 1993.
* Intervention "Soy Gitano". one page in newspaper Diario Levante Valencia. Spain 1993
* Publication "Soy Gitano" project. Catalog intervention:workshop Muntadas. Sala Parpallo, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia. Spain 1993
* DE INTERÉS PUBLICO. Intervention. Galer'a Moriarty de Madrid,Spain 1993.
* Intervention. Sala Parpallo de Valencia,1993. Spain .
* "Proyecto sobre el racismo y la xenofobia". Facultad de Ciencias de la Informaci-n.Works presentation. Madrid. Spain 1993.
* "3º Studio Internacional de Tecnologias de Imagem". Video Show. SESC-UNESP-SENAC. Sao Paulo. Brasil. 1993.
* C9. Televisi-n Pública Valenciana. TV screening "Los Diferentes". 26 y 27 de junio 1993 Spain .
* IVAM. Instituto Valenciano de Arte Moderno. "6 artistas de v'deo espa-ol a Iberoamerica" Presentation of video works. Valencia, Spain 1993.
* Casa de Cultura de Intxaurrondo,Video show. Patronato de Cultura de San Sebastián. Spain 1993.
* "La juventud del v'deo", Video show. Sala Rekalde, Bilbao, Spain 1993.
* "Cinema Jove", Festival Internacional de Video. Video show festival. Valencia, Spain 1992-1993.

Grants selection ======================
* Beca de Creaci-n Audiovisual y Musical. Institut Universitari De L'Audiovisual. Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Barcelona Spain 1997.
* Pépinières Europeenns por Jeunnes Artistes. Uni-n Europea. Eurocreation. Kultur Bureau Dortmund. Residencia en Dortmund. Germany. 1996-97. Pépinières Paris, France.
* Artistas en Residencia en el Taller de Tecnolog'as Electrográficas del Museo Internacional de Electrograf'a de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha. MIDE Cuenca. Spain 1994.
* Intervenciones Urbanas. Workshop con Antoni Muntadas.- Arteleku. San Sebastian. Spain 1994.
* Dotaci-n Muestra Joven. Generalitat Valenciana. Juan Gil-Albert. Alicante. Spain 1993.
* Ayudas a la Producci-n Audiovisual. Institut Valencià de la Joventut. Generalitat Valenciana. Valencia. Spain1991.
* Beca Instituto Juan Gil-Albert de Artes Plásticas. Diputaci-n de Alicante.Spain 1991.
* Beca Eusebio Sempere de Arte y Comunicaci-n Visual. Diputaci-n de Alicante. Spain 1989-90.