The Work
"Cyber*Babes (a Fan Dance for Adults) explores the meaning and dialog of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.

The piece repeatedly asks the user to state whether they are over 18 years of age (a legal adult in America) or under 18 years of age. The "under 18" links in the interface intend to filter content prohibited by the Telecommunications Act from the wrong user. Ironically, this is a point of great frustration for users seeking pornography. If the user chooses under 18 in the question and answer sections they are vectored into sites more suitable to their age--or the mentality of the censors. If the user chooses over 18 they proceed in a linear manner through the fan dance.

Cyber*Babes appropriates other web sites to complete the dialog on the Telecommunications Act. The links to the internet outside Cyber*Babes are chosen from two categories. The first explores the content and commentary surrounding the Telecommunications Act. The second category provides links of an opposing context by sending the user to some of the other offensive material on the internet. These links include the Internet's consumerist propensities, American's flirtation with "political correctness," gruesome military documentation, the search for pornography on the internet, and the exploitation of animals.

Cyber*Babes concludes by sending users who are still looking for nudity to a another web site whose purpose is to count how many people visit it seeking pornography."
--Lisa Hutton


I like this artist's work. It's fast, meaningful, not at all about the medium, but about her own art issues. She looks at the Web only as a mean to communicate her intent and in most cases she does this with humor and heart.

The return to the same basic decision about identity and age, with different responses and changes in the question, is a nice way to integrate the nature of the medium with the decision making process.

Sorry! You won't find any of that here. Nope, I just wanted to see how many hits this little counter would get. Don't be mad. It's just an experiment. Thanks for participating! [#533,663]